UK Fibre Networks | Fastr Broadband

Brand Development | Marketing Strategy | Copywriting

UK Fibre Networks were looking for a Marketing expert to develop a marketing strategy to support their full fibre network build and the roll-out of broadband services to residents and businesses in York City Centre.

They approached me because of my experience as part of the team behind the successful launch of TalkTalk Ultra Fibre Optic in York.

The Brief

Develop a marketing strategy for UK Fibre Networks’ unique network build and broadband services roll-out in York City Centre.

The Deliverables

Marketing and brand review and recommendations (a new name and identity).

Brought together a team of experts to support me with creative, web development, and PR.

Developed and presented new strategy and brand identity to key stakeholders and investors.

I manage the re-brand team of experts, overseeing the website design and build, PR & social media strategy, and the implementation of the new CRM system. I also write all the website, email, and collateral copy.

Fastr Broadband on Instagram

Fastr Broadband Coming Soon Leaflet

Fastr Broadband Press Coverage


